Wednesday, 16 July 2008

Fitness Forums

I have been a user of forums for a number of years, I think they can be great places for the free exchange of ideas between like minded people within the health and fitness community.

JP Fitness Forum – is one of the best all round fitness and related forums I have found on the internet. The forum is used by a lot of people with a very high standard of knowledge in the field of Health, Fitness, and Wellbeing. Well worth a look if you ever have any questions or are looking to increase your personal wellbeing knowledge. The forum covers many areas of strength and conditioning, nutrition and injury management. It is well established so if you want to know the answer to something you can bet it has been discussed at one time or another, and the searchable history makes it easy to find the answer.

Fitness Venues - is an off shoot of a UK based Fitness Services Listing and Article based site. The forum has not been going too long but already has a good group of contributors. It covers a very wide range of wellbeing related subjects, including fitness and exercise, diet and weight loss, health and beauty, nutrition and supplements, and leisure jobs. This site has a great deal of potential and will, I am sure come into it’s own over the next year!

Martial Arts Planet - started off as a Martial Arts based discussion group, but has for the past few years had a thriving fitness section. Again this forum has a great deal of knowledgeable contributors, who have varied backgrounds mainly with a martial arts slant. The sections on this site cover areas such as weight training, body weight training, flexibility, nutrition, injury prevention and management, and CV training. A must for anyone who is into martial arts and fitness.

T Magnum - This is the forum section of the well know Testosterone Nation website. A mainly US based web site covering all aspects of wellbeing generally from a strength and conditioning stand point. The site and forum are well established and have a number of the greats from the world of strength and conditioning as regular contributors.

These are just four forums of the many the net has to offer, they are the ones that I regularly use and can be seen on (screen name Tom@foresight). I do suggest that if you are looking to improve your knowledge on the subject of health and wellbeing have a look at one or two of these sites. They really are fun, no attitude, but knowledgeable places.

In my next entry I will be looking at some of the websites that I use and recommend to clients on the subject of health and fitness.

Until Next Time,


Tom Godwin – Personal Trainer – Foresight Fitness Services (Personal Training + Corporate Wellbeing) - Manchester and Cheshire, UK

Tuesday, 15 July 2008

The On-line Fitness Community

Foresight Fitness Services, and especially me have been embracing the great development of the on-line fitness community over the past couple of years. Which have helped us to keep in contact with people who share our passion for health and fitness from around the world! As well as trying to put personal training (and us personal trainers) in Manchester and Cheshire on the internet map, by doing things like this blog.

Over my next couple of blog entries I am going to look at some of the on-line resources that are available to the fitness community. I will be splitting it all down into Forums, Web Sites, and Social Networks. So if you have any sites or forums that you use that you think we should include in this let me know!

I will be finishing off this series of blog entries by going over some of the web based services that I have built into our product range and how is see them developing over the coming months.

Until next time,


Tom Godwin – Personal Trainer – Foresight Fitness Services (Personal Training + Corporate Wellbeing) - Manchester and Cheshire, UK