Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Personal Training in Blackpool

Hi All,

Just thinking who would be up for a bit of summer personal training in Blackpool? I know it is a way off yet until we see any sun here in the UK, but it might be somthing to look forward to. 


My idea is a day on the beach with some fun, and yes exercise can be fun fitness based activities!


What do you all think?



Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Personal Training In Didsbury

Hi all,

I have just been for a walk though Didsbury Village, doing a little shopping and just generally having a good look around.  I have lived in Didsbury most of my life and have seen a great deal of change over the years.  I even began my Personal Training Didsbury business here.  A good proportion of the old family shops are starting to slip out of the village, there was a massive shift approx 12 years ago when the village became in undated with bars and restraunts.  The family stores put up a great fight and most managed to survive, but recently I have noticed a small shift with some of the stores closing, I hope this is not signalling he end of Didsbury Village how we know and love it?

One of my great pleasures is having a walk through Didsbury Village and doing my shopping, it is much nicer than going to one of these large chain superstores.  So I just thought I would post this to try and get anyone who has a local shopping area and wants to keep it, to support it.  The only way these family run stores will survive is if we shop there!


Personal Training Didsbury