Tuesday, 18 March 2008

Finding Something You Love

I am constantly told by new clients that they hate to work out, gyms are not for them, they hate to run, rowing feels un-natural, etc… Many of the people that I come into contact with have such a negative view of exercise. They seem to feel that exercise is something that we have to endure to gain the results we want. Whatever they may be, weight loss, general fitness, longevity, health, injury prevention/rehabilitation, etc…

This image of sport and exercise in general being something to be endured is often developed in our childhood, with those who may see themselves as not being naturally talented at sport experiencing a great deal of misery from their PE lessons. Being given the choice between a few very limited activities (this is luckily changing) which they may not enjoy.

I encourage my clients to expose themselves to as many different exercise classes, sports, and gym routines as possible. I think that the more activities that you try the more likely you are to find one that you enjoy and therefore it will require a relatively smaller amount of motivation to stick with it.

Do not be limited in your view of what constitutes exercise, anything that gets you up and moving is a great start. So how about a challenge for all you out there, why not this week go out and try a new activity? A walk in the hills, a yoga class, some gardening, a karate class, anything that gets you up from your chair and out there moving!

For those of you new to exercise finding your activity may just take those bad PE class memories away, and make wellbeing a part of your life. For those of you who have been training a while it may just give you a new activity that kick starts a new phase in your training.

Until next time!


Tom Godwin – Personal Trainer – Foresight Fitness Services (Personal Training + Corporate Wellbeing) - Manchester and Cheshire, UK



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