Thursday, 5 June 2008

Personal Challenges

I was talking to a friend of mine who recently set himself the challenge of running the Manchester 10k. This challenge he decided he would do in aid of charity, something that I have great respect for.

This started me thinking about the nature of how we all should challenge ourselves. You can not beat the feeling when you achieve a goal, and a lot of the time even though the journey can involve a lot of sweat and tears, it can also involve a lot of fun and excitement. I think in this modern world of instant gratification and quick fixes, we often forget this, achieving your goals quickly is great but so too is the often long and trying journey to achieving something worthwhile.

Personally it made me reflect on the challenges that I have set myself, both in terms of my wellbeing, business and also personally. I have reflected on what I have done and decided to push the limits and set myself even harder, new challenges for the coming twelve months (just not quiet decided what yet). I will keep you all updated as and when I get started.

Life is all about achieving new things, making the most of the sort time that we have on this earth. So why not look at doing something new and push your limits, today!

As usual if you have any comments or if you would like any advice feel free to contact me at


Tom Godwin – Personal Trainer – Foresight Fitness Services (Personal Training + Corporate Wellbeing) - Manchester and Cheshire, UK

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