Thursday, 29 January 2009


One of the most important parts of our diet is our fluid intake. It is vital for our bodies to function properly that we drink the correct amount of fluid. The average daily intake that we need to balance out the amount of water our body uses and looses is 2 ½ litres, this should be spread out over the day. Drinks containing caffeine and also alcohol act to dehydrate us so should not be included in this amount.

If water loss exceeds your water intake then dehydration may occur. The signs of dehydration include the following:-

  • dry cotton mouth
  • sticky oral mucus
  • thirst
  • dry flushed skin
  • loss of performance
  • dark coloured urine
  • decrease in urine output

The prevention of dehydration is vital to everyone, regardless of fitness level. The body has a very complex cooling system (sweating) which relies on water being available. Only a very small increase in core temperature can be detrimental to life. If dehydration occurs your bodies natural temperature control will be less efficient.

To prevent dehydration you should drink regularly throughout the day, and maintain high glycogen levels. While training extra water should be taken on, for sessions up to 90 mins, 250ml of water should be drunk every 15 mins. For sessions over 90 mins, 250ml of isotonic sports drink should be dunk every 15 mins. Also ensuring rehydration before and after competition is very important. Avoiding caffeine and alcohol can also help to maintain hydration levels during physical activity.


Tom Godwin – Personal Trainer – Foresight Fitness Services (Personal Training + Corporate Wellbeing) - Manchester and Cheshire, UK

Review: Underground Wellness

Having stumbled across Sean Croxton’s Internet offering about six months ago, I found that I had come across one of the best alternative nutritional resources on the net! The Underground Wellness revolution now encompasses websites, YouTube content, Blogs, Forums, A on-line radio station, and who knows what will be next!

Sean is a Personal Trainer, lifestyle and nutritional coach based in San Diego, USA. Having an academic background in Kinesiology and studying at California State University, and having worked as a certified personal trainer for a number of years (NSCA, ACE and NASM). He has worked with a wide range of clients helping them to improve their levels of health and wellbeing. For a number of years he has also been educating the masses via his channel, which mainly focuses on alternative nutrition.

He has grown to offer a wide range of Internet based wellbeing related services, this man has really exploded onto the Internet wellbeing, fitness and nutrition scene with a wide range of internet based content. So lets have a bit of a run down of what he has on offer:-

Forum – A great forum has been added to the Underground Wellbeing website, it has some great members, many of whom are very knowledgeable in their fields be it fitness, personal training, nutrition, etc… There are a number of sections on the site that allow topics to be split down into different interest groups. This forum is a rarity on the net, with no cussing or put downs and true, learning taking place.

Blog – Sean’s blog has covered a number of subjects since it’s initiation at the start of the year, including the vitally important factor of body image, and new years resolutions. I look forward to the development of this section of the Underground Wellbeing website.

You Tube – The original of all the web based Underground Wellness content. All Sean’s videos tend to be short, but very concise and most importantly very user friendly. You can come onto the page and click on any of the videos and find an interesting and informative talk on a very wide range of nutritional topics. Sean’s style is of vital importance in getting his message across and ultimately his popularity, he is very laid back and conveys his message in a positive and never patronising manner.

Internet Radio – This is the latest of his web offerings and has already gained a great following. The radio shows tend to be between one and two hours long, and have been on a variety of different subjects, one of my personal favourites has been a show with William Wolcott of The Metabolic Typing Diet fame! The great things about these shows is that you have the opportunity to ring in and ask questions real time of Sean and his guests. As it is broadcast via the wonderful technology of the internet you have the choice of listening in live or downloading the show at a later date.

Website – The web site is the pace that brings together all these great factors under one roof, with a little more information on Sean and also his range of Personal Training services, Nutritional Services, Metabolic Typing, etc…

All in all Sean’s Underground wellness site is well worth a visit and I am sure that within minutes you will be hooked on his chilled out and laid back style of presenting a very important message, of health, wellbeing and improving your nutritional intake. These group of on-line services are a must see for all!

Thanks for all the hard work Sean!


Tom Godwin – Personal Trainer – Foresight Fitness Services (Personal Training + Corporate Wellbeing) - Manchester and Cheshire, UK

Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Video of the Week

Found this great video from craig, of Turbulance Training. A great upper body workout!



Tom Godwin – Personal Trainer – Foresight Fitness Services (Personal Training + Corporate Wellbeing) - Manchester and Cheshire, UK

Tuesday, 13 January 2009

Video of the Week

Hi all,

Sorry the blog has been a little bare so far this month, it i just a very busy time for me and my company. I am going to dedicate some time over the next few days to get some thoughts up, some great reviews, etc...

Well this week I would like to share with you some footage of a lecture by a very well respected individual, Paul Chek. Paul is a US based specialist in holistic health, high performance and corrective exercise. He is constantly researching and developing his knowledge, which has allowed him through his industry training programs to help in the development of high calibre personal trainers across the world. Look out for a review of Paul's new book, How to Eat Move and Be Healthy over the coming weeks.

The videos that I would like to share with you are all about nutrition, i have posted up the first three parts, if you would like to see the rest have a look at Paul's Youtube Channel (link at end of this post).

To see the rest click here.


Tom Godwin – Personal Trainer – Foresight Fitness Services (Personal Training + Corporate Wellbeing) - Manchester and Cheshire, UK

Wednesday, 7 January 2009

Video of the Week!

Here is one of my new Blog features for 2009!

I have taken to watching a great deal of content on You Tube and found some great people out there putting up some great information on wellbeing, fitness and nutrition. So i thought I would have a weekly round up of what I found that might be of interest to you lot out there.

This week I am going to put up a video made by one of my You Tube favourite's, Sean Croxton from He has made three great videos on goal setting to get everyone thinking as we go into the new year!

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

If you found those video's useful, Sean has many more on his YouTube page, so why not check them out. I will be doing a review of Sean's very extensive range of on-line resources in a couple of weeks so look out for that too!


Tom Godwin – Personal Trainer – Foresight Fitness Services (Personal Training + Corporate Wellbeing) - Manchester and Cheshire, UK

Friday, 2 January 2009

New Year!

Happy New Year to all the Foresight members and readers of this blog out there. All us here at Foresight wish you the very best in 2009!

This year is going to see some exciting changes within our company and especially within our on-line content, so keep your eye out for our February newsletter which will detail all the new things that are happening!

The start of a New Year is the chance for you to re-align your goals, and maybe consider setting your self some new ones! It is a time when people tend to find focus, and motivation to take steps towards a goal they would like to achive!

Why not start today by writing down where you would like to be in 2010, stick in on the fridge and take small steps to that goal throughout this year!

Good luck, and most importantly stay motivated!!