One of the most important parts of our diet is our fluid intake. It is vital for our bodies to function properly that we drink the correct amount of fluid. The average daily intake that we need to balance out the amount of water our body uses and looses is 2 ½ litres, this should be spread out over the day. Drinks containing caffeine and also alcohol act to dehydrate us so should not be included in this amount.
If water loss exceeds your water intake then dehydration may occur. The signs of dehydration include the following:-
- dry cotton mouth
- sticky oral mucus
- thirst
- dry flushed skin
- loss of performance
- dark coloured urine
- decrease in urine output
The prevention of dehydration is vital to everyone, regardless of fitness level. The body has a very complex cooling system (sweating) which relies on water being available. Only a very small increase in core temperature can be detrimental to life. If dehydration occurs your bodies natural temperature control will be less efficient.
To prevent dehydration you should drink regularly throughout the day, and maintain high glycogen levels. While training extra water should be taken on, for sessions up to 90 mins, 250ml of water should be drunk every 15 mins. For sessions over 90 mins, 250ml of isotonic sports drink should be dunk every 15 mins. Also ensuring rehydration before and after competition is very important. Avoiding caffeine and alcohol can also help to maintain hydration levels during physical activity.
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