Wednesday, 11 March 2009

Exercise and Cancer

Just another quick on with Jade Goody being one of the most popular news items at the moment, I though I would take a quick look at some of the effects exercise has on reducing your risk of cancer.

Being physically active helps to reduce your risk of contracting cancer and greatly reduces you risk of breast and bowel cancer. Some reports have suggested exercise can as much as halve you risk of getting cancer, see BBC report. For the reduction of cancer risk as little as 30 mins walking/gardening/light activity, five times a week can do the trick.

So why not make sure you are helping yourself in reducing the risks that cancer pose by leaving the car at home and walking to the shop, going for a walk on your lunch break, sorting out that garden!

Remember you can never do too much physical activity, it all counts to help you become a happier and healthier person. For more information on cancer see Cancer Research UK.

If you are in the very sad position of currently having one form of cancer or another, remember that exercise can be very powerful tool in actually helping you fight the effects of both the cancer itself and also the treatments that you might be receiving. For more info see the NHS.


Tom Godwin BA(Hons), MDip PT, Dip ST, Dip SP

Managing Director – Foresight Fitness Services

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