Tuesday, 3 March 2009

Video of the Week:- Monkey About

This week i have found this gem on You Tube, it is by Fitprosarah (http://fitprosarah.com) a great video.

SO next time you are out in the park, let the kids have a run around and have quick blast on the monkey bars! Even better get them to so it with you, sure they will love it.


Tom Godwin BA(Hons), MDip PT, Dip ST, Dip SP – Personal Trainer/Managing Director – Foresight Fitness Services (Personal Training + Corporate Wellbeing) - Manchester and Cheshire, UK

E-mail me:- trainer@foresight-fitness.co.uk

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You Tube Content:- http://www.youtube.com/user/PersonalTrainerUK


Anonymous said...

Hey Tom!!!!

Thanks for featuring my vid! :D

I subscribed to your blog! Great stuff you have here!

Yours in Health,
Sarah E. Rippel

Tom Godwin - Personal Trainer Manchester said...

No problems Sarah, you are putting out some great You Tube content, so it is a pleasure to feature you!

Thanks for subscribing,