Friday, 29 May 2009


Hi All,

This is one for all the Personal Trainers out there! Just had word from a great US based Chek practitioner, Brandon Krieger of KNSS Consulting. He has set up a great service for personal trainers where they can exchange ideas, deliver webinars, post articles, blog, and much more!

Have a look at CHEK HLC HUB! Here is Brandon to explain what it is all about!

Look out for a full review of this service in the comming weeks!

Enjoy and let me know what you think!


Tom Godwin BA(Hons), MDip PT, Dip ST, Dip SP, Managing Director / Personal Trainer – Foresight Fitness Services (Manchester, UK)Personal Trainer BlogPersonal Training in Manchester (Foresight Personal Training Website)You Tube - Facebook meFacebook group - Twitter

Thursday, 28 May 2009

Personal Trainer Manchester's Top 10 Twitter's

Hi All,

I have been on Twitter a number of months now since a client recommended it to me! Mark has given me some great heads up on internet stuff over the months so check out Mark Attwood, a true internet marketing expert! His internet marketing DVD is a must have (you might even spot me in the crowd)!

So my top ten twitter's are (in random order):-

1. Me!!

If you Know any other great twitters please do post them up in the comments section!


Tom Godwin BA(Hons), MDip PT, Dip ST, Dip SP, Managing Director / Personal Trainer – Foresight Fitness Services (Manchester, UK)Personal Trainer BlogPersonal Training in Manchester (Foresight Personal Training Website)You Tube - Facebook meFacebook group - Twitter

Personal Trainer Manchester: Tips Coconut Oil

Hi All,

Just found this top tip from the one and only Sean Croxton from Underground Wellness!

I have been using Coconut Oil when cooking for a while and the benefits are amazing! Let let Sean take it away and explain why.


Tom Godwin BA(Hons), MDip PT, Dip ST, Dip SP, Managing Director / Personal Trainer – Foresight Fitness Services (Manchester, UK)Personal Trainer BlogPersonal Training in Manchester (Foresight Personal Training Website)You Tube - Facebook meFacebook group - Twitter

Personal Trainer Manchester Tips: Does Dieting Work?

Hi All,

Just watched this video from Josh Rubin of East West Healing, he is a Chek practitioner and a producer of some great You Tube videos, well worth a look at his channel!

So does dieting work? I will let Josh answer that one!


Tom Godwin BA(Hons), MDip PT, Dip ST, Dip SP, Managing Director / Personal Trainer – Foresight Fitness Services (Manchester, UK)Personal Trainer BlogPersonal Training in Manchester (Foresight Personal Training Website)You Tube - Facebook meFacebook group - Twitter

Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Great Personal Training You Tube Channels

Hi All,
As many of you know I am an avid user of You Tube. I love the fact that you can find so many great people out there posting some great content.
As always with the internet you have to be careful about duff info, but to be honest I have found that there are a great deal of very knowladgable people out there. So I thought I would share with you all my top 10 You Tube Cahnnels that I regularly view.
If you liked any of the above channels why not subscribe?
For regular updates of who I am watching check in at my You tube Channel, details below!

Tom Godwin BA(Hons), MDip PT, Dip ST, Dip SPManaging Director / Personal Trainer – Foresight Fitness Services (Manchester, UK)Personal Trainer BlogPersonal Training in Manchester (Foresight Personal Training Website)You Tube - Facebook meFacebook group - Twitter

Personal Trainer Demo's Stair Drills

Hi All,

My local park has a great set of steps that I have been using for years to push my clients and myself to the limits.

Was surfing through my YouTube Subscriptions and found this great video from Aegis, who are a team of personal trainer operating out of London!

Try some of these, i promise you will get that heart racing!

object width="560" height="340">


Tom Godwin BA(Hons), MDip PT, Dip ST, Dip SPManaging Director / Personal Trainer – Foresight Fitness Services (Manchester, UK)Personal Trainer BlogPersonal Training in Manchester (Foresight Personal Training Website)You Tube - Facebook meFacebook group - Twitter

Saturday, 23 May 2009

Video: MMA Training

A great video post by Sean From Underground Wellness, featuring Todd Durkin from Fitness Quest 10! A great work out for all those MMA fans out there, and the best thing is... you need NO kit for this one! All body weight exercises!

Great video, hope you enjoy it too!


Thursday, 21 May 2009

Video:- Reaction Training

Hi All!

Had to post this one it is a great video that looks at reaction training, so you want to get better hand eye co-ordination then watch this!


Video:- Strength Training

The latest in Todd Durkin's series 'Train like the Pro's'. This video features some great body weight exercises that will definately push you to your limits!



Wednesday, 20 May 2009

Specialist Personal Trainers in Manchester

Foresight Personal Training (Manchester) has always taken the educational levels of our personal trainers very seriously. Most of our trainers have degree level education and all are committed to following a continuing professional development plan. As personal trainers we are represented by the Register of Exercise Professionals, which is a Skills Active backed registration scheme. To be part of this register you need to have a minimum standard of education.

Foresight Personal Trainers can now elect to work toward specialist level, this means that on top of their in depth knowledge of general health and fitness they have chosen to plow their efforts into learning more in depth about one or two specialist areas of helth, fitness and wellbeing.

To be recognized as a Foresight Specialsit Personal Trainer the trainer has to prove in depth knowledge on their given subject area, this is gained by the attendance at advanced training courses and via the use of documented self study. This is then used to create a portfolio which is presented to the head personal trainer for evaluation, it is also also readily available for client to view on request.

SO why have we brought this system into place? Many clients are happy working with a generalist personal trainer, that can give them advice about all areas of health, fitness and wellbeing. However to offer our clients the very best levels of service some of our clients goals can be very specific and need a much more in depth level of study in order for us to help you getting the results that you want.

A full list of our specialist can be seen here (Personal Training Manchester), but they include Pre/Post Natal Personal Training Specialist, Weight Loss Personal Training Specialist, Golf Biomechanic Personal Training Specialist,and more!

For more information please see our web site! Alternatively to book a FREE consultation with one of our personal training specialists call 0161 614 0133 NOW!


Tom Godwin BA(Hons), MDip PT, Dip ST, Dip SP
Managing Director / Personal Trainer – Foresight Fitness Services (Manchester, UK)
Personal Trainer Blog
Personal Training in Manchester (Foresight Personal Training Website)
You Tube - Facebook meFacebook group - Twitter

Friday, 15 May 2009

Video: Movement Training

Another video from the series by Todd Durkin, from Fitness Quest 10. A great video packed full of movement training drills!



Tom Godwin BA(Hons), MDip PT, Dip ST, Dip SP
Managing Director / Personal Trainer – Foresight Fitness Services (Manchester, UK)
Personal Trainer Blog
Personal Training in Manchester (Foresight Personal Training Website)
You Tube - Facebook meFacebook group - Twitter

Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Video: Flexibility

A great flexibility routine from Todd Durkin at Fitness Quest 10. A good stretching routine is a vital component of any good workout!

Try this one next time your in the gym!


Tom Godwin BA(Hons), MDip PT, Dip ST, Dip SP
Managing Director / Personal Trainer – Foresight Fitness Services (Manchester, UK)
Personal Trainer Blog
Personal Training in Manchester (Foresight Personal Training Website)
You Tube - Facebook meFacebook group - Twitter

Todd Durkin's Dynamic Warm-Up

A great dynamic warm up, from Todd Durkin at Fitness Quest 10.

Why not try this warm up before your next workout!


Tom Godwin BA(Hons), MDip PT, Dip ST, Dip SP
Managing Director / Personal Trainer – Foresight Fitness Services (Manchester, UK)
Personal Trainer Blog
Personal Training in Manchester (Foresight Personal Training Website)
You Tube - Facebook meFacebook group - Twitter

Thursday, 7 May 2009

Top 5 will NOT's of weight loss

We are always hearing of simple lists of the top things you should do if you want to loose weight, well I have decided to reverse that up and put up my Top 5 Things You Should Not Do if You Want to Loose Weight!

This is by no means a comprehensive list, just a couple of points to kick start your weigh loss and get you seeing results!

1. Starve myself in the hope I will loose weight. Cutting your calorie intake down to a very low level will of course make you loose weight, however this is at the expense of your overall health. Your body needs calories to survive and keep all those vital systems that keep us alive running. Avoid extreme low calorie diets or you will literally start starving yourself! From my experience this method of weight control is never lasting and your body just gets better at using the few calories you do take on more effectively, by slowing down your metabolism.

2. Pills and Potions. There are so many pills and potions out there that are claiming to be the magic weight loss pill that will make it so you don't have to do any work. Just pop one, two, three... A day and you will get the results you want. Well since when have you been able to get anything worth having with little or no work? Most of these pills and potions are based on very shaky science and have not had long term studies done on them! Remember if it seems too good to be true it probably is!

3. Expensive Weight Loss Plan. Most people do not need to be told how to loose weight, they know the difference, even if it only on a basic level between what is good for them and what is not. Most people actually come to a Personal Trainer or Nutritionist for help with avoiding the bad and sticking to the good rather than deciding between the two. Teh exception to this is that people oftern come to me seeking advice on many of the weight loss and deitary plans out there and if they are effective (the subject of a future blog post)! In my opinion unless you have a very specifc dietary need or goal you can make great dietary improvements without paying out vast sums for expensive one size fits all diet plans. These can they be tweeked as needed by the use of a well qualified Personal Trainer or Nutritionist.

4. Aiming for extremly rapid weight loss. Most weight loss plans advocate crazy and unsafe methods that lead to rapid weight loss. These diets oftern have massive wellbeing and health side effects and are not sustainable. The people who make lasting changes put in place systems and habits that are long term, they can keep them up and not get into the dieting cycle. Just remember some weeks will be better than others, but with hard work expect to loose about 2 pounds a week.

5. Ignore the benefits of exercis. Do not ignore the vast benefits of exercise and physical activity. Exercise is a vital accompneyment to dietary changes and achieveing long term weight loss. Make sure you implement a plan that sees you doing a minimum of 3 hours exercise a week and pushing up your daily physical activity levels wherever possible.

Many people do not go about trying to achieve weight loss in the right manner, part of our quick fix society is that we want everything now with little or no work. SAFE weight loss can not be done in this way. It takes work and alot of it! But if you want REULTS then that is what you need to do!


Tom Godwin BA(Hons), MDip PT, Dip ST, Dip SP
Managing Director / Personal Trainer – Foresight Fitness Services (Manchester, UK)
Personal Trainer Blog
Personal Training in Manchester (Foresight Personal Training Website)
You Tube - Facebook meFacebook group - Twitter

Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Video: REthink KFC!

Not posted one of Sean's videos for a few weeks. Great one on the new range of 'healthier' food being offered by KFC.


Tom Godwin BA(Hons), MDip PT, Dip ST, Dip SP
Managing Director / Personal Trainer – Foresight Fitness Services (Manchester, UK)
Personal Trainer Blog
Personal Training in Manchester (Foresight Personal Training Website)
You Tube - Facebook meFacebook group - Twitter