Personal Training (Manchester) has always taken the educational levels of our personal trainers very seriously.
Most of our trainers have degree level education and all are committed to following a continuing professional development plan.
As personal trainers we are represented by the
Register of Exercise Professionals, which is a Skills Active backed registration scheme.
To be part of this register you need to have a minimum standard of education.
Foresight Personal Trainers can now elect to work toward specialist level, this means that on top of their in depth knowledge of general health and fitness they have chosen to plow their efforts into learning more in depth about one or two specialist areas of helth, fitness and wellbeing.
To be recognized as a Foresight Specialsit Personal Trainer the trainer has to prove in depth knowledge on their given subject area, this is gained by the attendance at advanced training courses and via the use of documented self study. This is then used to create a portfolio which is presented to the head personal trainer for evaluation, it is also also readily available for client to view on request.
SO why have we brought this system into place? Many clients are happy working with a generalist personal trainer, that can give them advice about all areas of health, fitness and wellbeing. However to offer our clients the very best levels of service some of our clients goals can be very specific and need a much more in depth level of study in order for us to help you getting the results that you want.
A full list of our specialist can be seen here (Personal Training Manchester), but they include Pre/Post Natal Personal Training Specialist, Weight Loss Personal Training Specialist, Golf Biomechanic Personal Training Specialist,and more!
For more information please see our web site! Alternatively to book a FREE consultation with one of our personal training specialists call 0161 614 0133 NOW!