Thursday, 30 April 2009

Video:- Metabolic Typing Shopping

A great YouTube video from Brandon at KNSS Consulting about how to shop for your metabolic type.


Tom Godwin BA(Hons), MDip PT, Dip ST, Dip SP
Managing Director / Personal Trainer – Foresight Fitness Services (Manchester, UK)
Personal Trainer Blog
Personal Training in Manchester (Foresight Personal Training Website)
You Tube - Facebook meFacebook group - Twitter

Saturday, 25 April 2009

FRESH Trailer

What happens when people want to make changes and grow food that is better for us? This film shows what the individuals are doing to make us all healthier!

Great Trailer!


Tom Godwin BA(Hons), MDip PT, Dip ST, Dip SP
Managing Director / Personal Trainer – Foresight Fitness Services (Manchester, UK)
Personal Trainer Blog
Personal Training in Manchester (Foresight Personal Training Website)
You Tube - Facebook meFacebook group - Twitter

Review:- Underground Welness Radio

Just when I thought that Sean Croxton and his range of information services could not get any better, he just did it! Recently Sean has added a radio station to his wide range of free on-line information services, this has made Underground Wellness the one stop shop for all things wellbeing, and especially nutrition related.

For those of you who have been living in a cave for the past few years Sean is a Personal Trainer, lifestyle and nutritional coach based in San Diego, USA. Having an academic background in Kinesiology and studying at California State University, and having worked as a certified personal trainer for a number of years (NSCA, ACE and NASM). He has worked with a wide range of clients helping them to improve their levels of health and wellbeing. For a number of years he has also been educating the masses via his channel, which mainly focuses on alternative nutrition.
The radio station has had some great program so far featuring leaders of the wellbeing industry such as

The programs have has a wide diversity of topics covering general wellbeing, personal training, nutrition. Lifestyle and health. Previous shows have feature such greats as Bill Wolcott, Todd Durkin, Marti Oakley, Antonio Valladares, and many more.

One of my personal favourite shows was with the great Bill Wolcott, of metabolic typing fame. This interview is a true master piece from Bill and Sean. The show gives the listener a load of information on what is metabolic typing, the theory and practice of this very effective and common sense diet.

The channel itself allows you to listen to the shows live (sign up to the Underground Wellness newsletter for schedule) the great thing about this is you not only get the information is always hot off the press but you can call in using a land line or Skype and ask any questions you may have, or for clarification of any points. The shows are really well scheduled and put together by Sean, giving them a fun but informative feel.

If you miss the show you can always download it and listen to it at your leisure, makes great gym or in car listening! So you have no excuses for missing the opportunity to listen to the highly entertaining and informative Sean and gain a rare insight into what some very inspirational and educational guests may have to say!

Why not tune into the next show and see what you think for yourself, or go back over the fast expanding archive of old shows! Believe me you will not regret using your time in this way. From beginner to wellbeing to pro athlete to personal trainer, everyone will learn from every show!

To find out more about Underground Wellness see my previous review, or go direct to the site!

Tom Godwin BA(Hons), MDip PT, Dip ST, Dip SP
Managing Director / Personal Trainer – Foresight Fitness Services (Manchester, UK)
Personal Trainer Blog
Personal Training in Manchester (Foresight Personal Training Website)
You Tube - Facebook meFacebook group - Twitter

Wednesday, 22 April 2009

Review:- PTontheNet

At last the new and improved website has been launched, having been a user of the site for the past three years or so I have been very happy with the high standard of content that the site has always carried. However I have been long awaiting some more interactive features, and these are finally here!!

In this short review I am going to look at some of the new features and also some of the old, and detail what makes the number one resource for personal trainers, therapists or anyone who is involved in the fitness industry across the world.

The new site has a slick new look, that is much more user friendly. The site is easy to navigate with different sections clearly labelled and information is easy to find. With three core section headings being used, Prepare, Learn, and Research. The site also has a much more planned feel than the old one, that seemed to have grown beyond it’s original structure.

The site still has a strong ethos of learning, and self improvement and the research section shows this. With the articles that it carries always being of high quality and packed full of applicable information, that can be of daily use to a personal trainer. PTontheNet have many of the industry leaders on their list of active authors, with greats such as Paul Chek, JC Santana, Gray Cook, Alwyn Cosgrove, Gary Gray, to name just a few. Regular updates of new articles each month keep the site fresh and alive, to add to the existing thousands already on line. The authors also make available short Q+A style articles on current hot topics, audio clinics and symposiums. All in all making depth and quality of content offered by PTontheNet second to none.

The learn section of the site allows users to complete free CEC’s or CPD’s (for all those here in the UK note that these attract REP’s points), that are challenging but allow you to develop a range of useful and most importantly applicable skills. The section also has links to high quality learning opportunities with some of the worlds leading trainers and training providers, and best of all you get a PTontheNet discount with most of them.

The Prepare section can be very useful to the novice right through to the advanced trainer. This part of the site hosts the PTontheNet’s very detailed and vast exercise and flexibility library. Each exercise is described, with safety issues and personal trainer ques, and is accompanied by a video of it’s performance. This section also includes some very useful pre-designed programs for a number of sports and client goals, this is great if you are looking for something quick to hand out to a client. The site also has the ability for you to select the exercises on-line and create a program for yourself or your clients.

The new community section has a blog and a forum which is one of the additions that I have been long awaiting. It is a great feature that allows personal trainers from across the world to interact and discuss current issues within our industry. As the forum is quiet new we will have to wait and see how effectively it is used as a resource, but I am sure with the ethos of PTontheNet, it will be inundated within a matter of weeks.

Overall, the site has done that rare thing and made the best, better. The re-structure of the site has taken PTontheNet into the future, and from an appreciative personal trainer I hope it goes from strength to strength!

Tom Godwin is a Personal Trainer working in Manchester, he has been working in the fitness industry for the last 10+ years. He is also the Managing Director of Foresight Fitness Services and Foresight Personal Training. Tom has been a member of PTontheNet for the past 4 years.

Tom Godwin BA(Hons), MDip PT, Dip ST, Dip SP
Managing Director / Personal Trainer – Foresight Fitness Services (Manchester, UK)
Personal Trainer Blog
Personal Training in Manchester (Foresight Personal Training Website)
You Tube - Facebook meFacebook group - Twitter

Monday, 20 April 2009

Video:- A true inspiration

Just had to post this video when I came across it on You Tube today! This guy is a true inspiration!

Good luck with pursuing all your goals, Dustin!

See what you think!


Tom Godwin BA(Hons), MDip PT, Dip ST, Dip SP
Managing Director / Personal Trainer – Foresight Fitness Services (Manchester, UK)
Personal Trainer Blog
Personal Training in Manchester (Foresight Personal Training Website)
You Tube - Facebook meFacebook group - Twitter

Friday, 17 April 2009

Diet Vs Exercise Episode 4

Had to post this extra You Tube clip today, love this series of videos. Really proves a point of how important diet is!

Number four in the series, how much exercise does it take to burn off a Starbuks? Want to know, wee Craig (Turbulence Training) uses a kettlebell to try and burn off the same number of calorie's as Bret Eats in the amount of time it takes Bret to eat a brownie and a drink!

Can you burn off the 1000 calories in the time it takes to eat a high calorie snack? This video just shows how much you need to think about your diet if you want to achieve sustainable weight loss.

Great Video Craig!


Tom Godwin BA(Hons), MDip PT, Dip ST, Dip SP
Managing Director / Personal Trainer – Foresight Fitness Services (Manchester, UK)
Personal Trainer Blog
Personal Training in Manchester (Foresight Personal Training Website)
You Tube - Facebook meFacebook group - Twitter

The Future of Food Trailer

A trailer for another in the latest boom of nutrition films. This one covers the dangers of genetic engineering, and the use of chemicals in agriculture.

Not seen the film myself but look s like a good watch!


Tom Godwin BA(Hons), MDip PT, Dip ST, Dip SP
Managing Director / Personal Trainer – Foresight Fitness Services (Manchester, UK)
Personal Trainer Blog
Personal Training in Manchester (Foresight Personal Training Website)
You Tube - Facebook meFacebook group - Twitter

Thursday, 16 April 2009

Reading List: Top 5

Just thought I would post a quick Top 5 list of some of the books that I think are a must read for anyone interested in living a long and healthy life. This list is in no particular order!

1) How to Eat, Move and be Healthy (Paul Chek)
2) The Metabolic Typing Diet
(William Wolcott)
3) Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook That Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats (Sally Fallon)
4) Personal Training: Theory and Practice (James Crossley)
5) Your Hidden Food Allergies are Making You Fat (Rivera)



Tom Godwin BA(Hons), MDip PT, Dip ST, Dip SP
Managing Director / Personal Trainer – Foresight Fitness Services (Manchester, UK)
Personal Trainer Blog
Personal Training in Manchester (Foresight Personal Training Website)
You Tube - Facebook meFacebook group - Twitter

Wednesday, 15 April 2009

Review:- Anatomy for Beginners

I have always been a fan of the work of Dr Gunther Von Hagens, ever since I went to see his controversial exhibition at the Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester. Despite the various arguments for and against the exhibition and his work in general, I do feel that the when bodies have been donated for a given task, that of dissection and the individuals knew what their bodies would be used for. This kind of work has popularised the field of anatomy and physiology and brought it to the public in an entertaining, but most importantly educational manner.

At the exhibition I purchased the DVD of Anatomy for Beginners, as a personal trainer I have more than a passing interest in how the body works and how the various components (organs, muscles, bones) work together to make the fascinating human body. The DVD itself is very well put together and mirrors the series that was first aired in early 2005. Which at the time was ground breaking and caused much debate as to weather it should be aired on public TV or not.

The series follows a general theme where a dissection takes place to outline the various theories behind a given topic, in this series topics include movement, circulation, digestion and reproduction. Live models are also used to illustrate the points that Dr Hagnes is trying to get across.

If you have an interest in the working of your body, and you have a strong stomach, this is a must see. The program is educational and takes a very complex subject matter and gets it across to a lay audience in a very comprehensive way.

Tom Godwin BA(Hons), MDip PT, Dip ST, Dip SP
Managing Director / Personal Trainer – Foresight Fitness Services (Manchester, UK)
Personal Trainer Blog
Personal Training in Manchester (Foresight Personal Training Website)
You Tube - Facebook meFacebook group - Twitter

Video: Go Hardcore!

Did you think your workout today was hardcore? Well try this! Sean (Underground Wellness) and Brett (Fitness Quest 10) take us through some hardcore training using tires, sledge hammers, chains, and brute force!


Remember only try this stuff under the watchful eye and instruction of a qualified personal trainer!


Tom Godwin BA(Hons), MDip PT, Dip ST, Dip SP
Managing Director / Personal Trainer – Foresight Fitness Services (Manchester, UK)
Personal Trainer Blog
Personal Training in Manchester (Foresight Personal Training Website)
You Tube - Facebook meFacebook group - Twitter

Thursday, 9 April 2009

Review:- JP Fitness Forum

JP Fitness is a great website that is the home to the well known Just Pure Fitness gym in Little Rock.

One of the most exciting aspects of the JP Fitness site is the forum, which is in my opinion one of the most comprehensive and useful fitness forums on the internet. The forum covers a wide range of areas, including weight training, cardio, flexibility, injuries, training for sports and much more. The great thing about the JP Forum is that it is so well established and has a load of members and therefore a fast turn over of topics and a load of members who interact on the forum daily.

The forum has great section for people who are following the New Rules of Lifting training program by Lou Schuler and Alwyn Cosgrove. This gives you the opportunity to discuss with other who are following the same program any questions that you might have and discuss common highs and lows. So if you are a convert to the New Rules of Lifting Program or the New Rules of Lifting for Women program this is a vital addition to your routine.

The forum also has a great section where all members are encouraged to keep a journal detailing their personal workout programs and also nutrition. This section is great for the beginner right through to the advanced gym goer. It allows you to have some level of accountability in what you do, and therefore acts as a great motivator. While also allowing you the opportunity to get advice from others about possible improvements to your routine. This is the first feature of it’s kind that I have seen on a fitness forum, truly forward thinking!

To round up JP Forum has something for everyone from the raw beginner to the advanced trainer, including fitness professionals. The forum has members with a wealth of knowledge in a wide range of areas, and is the ultimate resource for anyone who is willing to participate and learn from others. Well worth a look! Remember sign up and start to interact don’t just lurk in the background!


Tom Godwin is a Personal Trainer working in Manchester, he has been working in the fitness industry for the last 10+ years. He is also the Managing Director of Foresight Fitness Services and Foresight Personal Training. On JP Fitness Forum he goes by the login Tom@foresight, so feel free to say hi!

Tom Godwin BA(Hons), MDip PT, Dip ST, Dip SP
Managing Director / Personal Trainer – Foresight Fitness Services (Manchester, UK)
Personal Trainer Blog
Personal Training in Manchester (Foresight Personal Training Website)
You Tube - Facebook meFacebook group - Twitter

"Food, Inc." Official Trailer

Another must see film! Looking forward to getting a copy, look out for the review on this blog in the coming months.


Tom Godwin BA(Hons), MDip PT, Dip ST, Dip SP
Managing Director / Personal Trainer – Foresight Fitness Services (Manchester, UK)
Personal Trainer Blog
Personal Training in Manchester (Foresight Personal Training Website)
You Tube - Facebook meFacebook group - Twitter

Video: DIET Vs EXERCISE Episode 2

The second part of Craig's original YouTube clips! A must see for all, truly makes you think about how important your nutrition is when it comes to weight loss. For more of Craig's stuff see his YouTube page at



Tom Godwin BA(Hons), MDip PT, Dip ST, Dip SP
Managing Director / Personal Trainer – Foresight Fitness Services (Manchester, UK)
Personal Trainer Blog
Personal Training in Manchester (Foresight Personal Training Website)
You Tube - Facebook meFacebook group - Twitter

Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Sponsor Jill!

Hi All,

Just a quick one, one of my clients is doing an amazing feat in that they are cycling across Jordan (300K) in aid of Institute of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Trust.

I have enclosed an e-mail that Jill Has sent round below, and also a picture... just for fun!

Please sponsor Jill as I know she is really dedicated to raising as much money as possible for this great charity!


Hi Everyone,

Hope you are well and that life is treating you good!!! I am in bike training mode now, did a good one on Sunday uphill for most of it!!! I think I am seriously mad!! Anyway don't know if you got my e mail asking for sponsorship for this Challenge in Jordan but if not then you can log on to to see what I am doing and when etc.

The only thing is that they want the money in before I actually do it!!!! Bit of a cheek I know so if you are planning on giving then can I ask that you do it sooner rather than later. Off to put some more cream on my "sore bits"!!!!!!!!!!!!

For those of you that are planning on sponsoring me , can I say a huge thank you to you, I really appreciate it.

Tatty bye for now,
Jill xxxx

Tom Godwin BA(Hons), MDip PT, Dip ST, Dip SP
Managing Director / Personal Trainer – Foresight Fitness Services (Manchester, UK)
Personal Trainer Blog
Personal Training in Manchester (Foresight Personal Training Website)
You Tube - Facebook meFacebook group - Twitter

ARe you at a Weight Loss Plateau?

With summer fast approaching us and that dreaded time when the shorts and bikini's come out, are you starting to see your weight loss starting to plateau out? Well if you are here are three very simple but highly effective strategies to get your weight loss kick started again!

Change up your program! The routine that you are following needs to be regularly be changed about, a plan that aims to get you 3lb of fat loss per week will only be effective for about 4 weeks. After this point you will start to get the effect of diminishing returns. By changing a few simple aspects to your training every four weeks or so you can keep your body guessing and the fat coming off!

Change your diet! Your diet will need constant adjustment depending on your activity levels, this means that when you do more you need to eat more, but when you do less you need to eat less! Ensure that you are following a diet that gives you an adequate calorie intake for the current program you are following, and to meet your specific goals. If you are not sure how to do this consult your personal trainer!

Up your Effort! If you have been slacking a little lately then it is no wonder you have started to plateau out. Re-assess your goals, make sure that they are right for you, then Analise how to most effectively motivate yourself. Find out what keeps you going and do it! If you are unsure about this look out for my new series of blog posts on motivation!

These three simple things can be done to get you through that plateau and back on track to results!


Tom Godwin BA(Hons), MDip PT, Dip ST, Dip SP
Managing Director / Personal Trainer – Foresight Fitness Services (Manchester, UK)
Personal Trainer Blog
Personal Training in Manchester (Foresight Personal Training Website)
You Tube - Facebook meFacebook group - Twitter

Monday, 6 April 2009

Video: Variety in your Pull Ups

Hi All,

So you want to change up your pull up's, here is a quick video i found from mbscvideo on You Tube! Have a look and try out these three different hand grips and feel the variation in you pull ups!



Tom Godwin BA(Hons), MDip PT, Dip ST, Dip SP
Managing Director / Personal Trainer – Foresight Fitness Services (Manchester, UK)
Personal Trainer Blog
Personal Training in Manchester (Foresight Personal Training Website)
You Tube - Facebook meFacebook group - Twitter

Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Video: DIET vs EXERCISE Episode 1

Had to post this loved it! Great video from Craig Ballantyne! Based on a competition about between Craig running on the treadmill for a set period of time to see how many calories he can loose, at the same time he has a mate eat a pizza and see how many calories he can consume in the same amount of time.

Diet wins every time! So this shows just how important diet is, you can never account for a poor diet with the theory that you train hard so it does not matter!


Tom Godwin BA(Hons), MDip PT, Dip ST, Dip SP

Managing Director / Personal Trainer – Foresight Fitness Services (Manchester, UK)

Personal Trainer Blog

Personal Training in Manchester (Foresight Personal Training Website)