Monday, 30 March 2009


Hi All,

Saw this trailer for a new film that is out in the US, will take a while to hit the UK but looks like it is well worth looking out for. It is focusing in in the topic of water and the fact that it is a scarce resource, and the whole un-ethical business side of bottled water. It looks very alike to King Corn another must see!


Tom Godwin BA(Hons), MDip PT, Dip ST, Dip SP

Managing Director / Personal Trainer – Foresight Fitness Services (Manchester, UK)

Personal Trainer Blog

Personal Training in Manchester (Foresight Personal Training Website)

Thursday, 26 March 2009

EXTRA Video of the Week: Explosive Med Ball Workout!

Another great collaboration between Sean, from Underground Wellness and also Fitness Quest 10! Well worth a try! I know this is an extra one, but I had to post it!

Tom Godwin BA(Hons), MDip PT, Dip ST, Dip SP

Managing Director / Personal Trainer – Foresight Fitness Services (Manchester, UK)

Personal Trainer Blog

Personal Training in Manchester (Foresight Personal Training Website)

Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Video of the Week: A great Kung FU Demo!

Found this little clip of a guy doing a kung fu demo, always remember their are loads of ways to keep fit! Don't limit yourself to the gym, running, etc.... Find something you enjoy and you are far more likely to stick to it!


Tom Godwin BA(Hons), MDip PT, Dip ST, Dip SP

Managing Director / Personal Trainer – Foresight Fitness Services (Manchester, UK)

Personal Trainer Blog

Personal Training in Manchester (Foresight Personal Training Website)

Friday, 20 March 2009


Hi All,

Today i was thinking back about my tastes in music and how much they have changed over the years. Back as a teenager in high school all i would very listen to is R&B and Hip Hop. That was it, I remember thinking how does anyone listen to anything other than this? I never thought that I would start to like The Killers or The Kings of Leon!

My point is that we all change, what we are interested in and what our perspective on life will both change as time goes on. So why not start to look at how you can make small changes to your daily life that will help you improve your wellbeing, health and fitness! Rather than trying to implement un-realistic sweeping changes. And before long you will be looking back with amazement at how far you have come, and how much you have changed!

So lets have some Killers!


Tom Godwin BA(Hons), MDip PT, Dip ST, Dip SP

Managing Director / Personal Trainer – Foresight Fitness Services (Manchester, UK)

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Thursday, 19 March 2009

Web Site Making Progress

Hi all!

Just a quick one to let you all know that we have got some of the new additions on the site now. Would love to hear what you all have to think.

We have greatly expanded the about us section. We have added a resources section that will soon be the ultimate resource for our clients, local, and anyone interested in their health. It has all been written by our personal trainers, and we promise it is all quality content. Obviously this section will take a while to grow but keep checking back for our articles, free programs to follow, and a load of other information!

We have also got with the times and uploaded out Twitter, Facebook, Blog and Youtube details on the site so be sure to have a look, joining and follow us where ever you can!

To make sure you don't miss anything why not fill in the sign up box on the website and and get any new articles sent directly out to you!

Thanks again for all your support


Tom Godwin BA(Hons), MDip PT, Dip ST, Dip SP

Managing Director / Personal Trainer – Foresight Fitness Services (Manchester, UK)

Personal Trainer Blog

Personal Training in Manchester (Foresight Personal Training Website)

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Monday, 16 March 2009

Extra Video: Fat-Burning Blast!

I know I already posted one today! But here is a little extra! Thanks Sean,!


Tom Godwin BA(Hons), MDip PT, Dip ST, Dip SP

Managing Director – Foresight Fitness Services

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Video of the Week : Trainer or DRAINER?

Hi All,

Sorry for the lack of posts lately, I have been really busy lately working with some corporates. But i am back on it now so loow out for a load of new reviews, articles and ramblings from me!

Here is our video of the week, a great one from Josh Rubin from East West Healing! It is all about what to look for in a good trainer. Mainly based on The US system of personal training, qualifications etc... But some great info for all no matter where you are!


Tom Godwin BA(Hons), MDip PT, Dip ST, Dip SP

Managing Director – Foresight Fitness Services

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Wednesday, 11 March 2009

Exercise and Cancer

Just another quick on with Jade Goody being one of the most popular news items at the moment, I though I would take a quick look at some of the effects exercise has on reducing your risk of cancer.

Being physically active helps to reduce your risk of contracting cancer and greatly reduces you risk of breast and bowel cancer. Some reports have suggested exercise can as much as halve you risk of getting cancer, see BBC report. For the reduction of cancer risk as little as 30 mins walking/gardening/light activity, five times a week can do the trick.

So why not make sure you are helping yourself in reducing the risks that cancer pose by leaving the car at home and walking to the shop, going for a walk on your lunch break, sorting out that garden!

Remember you can never do too much physical activity, it all counts to help you become a happier and healthier person. For more information on cancer see Cancer Research UK.

If you are in the very sad position of currently having one form of cancer or another, remember that exercise can be very powerful tool in actually helping you fight the effects of both the cancer itself and also the treatments that you might be receiving. For more info see the NHS.


Tom Godwin BA(Hons), MDip PT, Dip ST, Dip SP

Managing Director – Foresight Fitness Services

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Get outside!

Hi All,

Well finally the weather is starting to get a little better, which is great! It is always nice to get training outdoors, opens up a whole new load of exercises for you to try! As the weather gets better it can take one more excuse of people for missing a training session. Not many people enjoy doing a weekly run in the rain and cold! So make the very most of the weather and get out there and train! Think of ways you can make small steps towards you health and wellbeing goals each and every day!

On a side note, the updated website should be up and running in the next couple of weeks. We have made several additions that include article areas, free downloads, etc… and these will be built upon over the coming months. Next month we will also be making a load of new additions to the site again!


Tom Godwin BA(Hons), MDip PT, Dip ST, Dip SP

Managing Director – Foresight Fitness Services

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Friday, 6 March 2009

Video of the Week:- KB + BW Circuit

Hi all just found this great little video on cbathletics You Tube site, it is a really good kettlebell and bodyweight circuit.

Well worth a try! Remember if you are not sure of how to do a specific technique consult with a qualified personal trainer!



Tom Godwin BA(Hons), MDip PT, Dip ST, Dip SP

Managing Director – Foresight Fitness Services

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Thursday, 5 March 2009

Q + A:- DOMs

I have just got back into my weight training, I am suffering with sore muscles and stiffness three to fours days after a workout. Whets that all about?

What you are suffering from is probably Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness or the dreaded DOMs for short! Which usually sets in between 24 – 72 hours after exercise and is often experienced after an long period off training or after doing an activity that you do not regularly do.

Most people who train will have experienced this, be they novice or elite. Some of the common symptoms of DOMS include pain, restriction of motion, inflammation, tenderness, and a temporary loss of performance. Despite a great deal of research into what causes DOMs, scientist are currently unaware of it’s true cause. Some suggested causes include lactic acid build up, muscle spasm, or connective tissue or muscle damage. It is very likely it will be caused by one of these factors or be a combination of several of them.

Generally however if you do eccentric muscle actions (lowering action, such as lowering the bar to your chest on a bench press), or movements that involve breaking of motion. Pretty much any time of movement that causes the muscles in question to lengthen under tension.

So what do you do if you have DOMs? The best thing to do is keep moving, physical activity tends to help shift it. However you should avoid training the same movement patterns or any particularly sore areas.


Tom Godwin BA(Hons), MDip PT, Dip ST, Dip SP – Personal Trainer/Managing Director – Foresight Fitness Services (Personal Training + Corporate Wellbeing) - Manchester and Cheshire, UK

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Tuesday, 3 March 2009

Video of the Week:- Monkey About

This week i have found this gem on You Tube, it is by Fitprosarah ( a great video.

SO next time you are out in the park, let the kids have a run around and have quick blast on the monkey bars! Even better get them to so it with you, sure they will love it.


Tom Godwin BA(Hons), MDip PT, Dip ST, Dip SP – Personal Trainer/Managing Director – Foresight Fitness Services (Personal Training + Corporate Wellbeing) - Manchester and Cheshire, UK

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